The object of the invention is the obtention of a mouldable and resistant plastic material.

Degree of development
The date of publication of the grant of both patents takes place on September 6th, 2018.
Formaché Mouldable
Formaché Inyectable
Recently there has been a research contract by researchers, Dr. Carlos Morán and Dr. Damián de Torres, who together with the University of La Laguna and the Cabildo of Tenerife will carry out a research project “Agustín de Betancourt ” which will last at least four years (2019 – 2022).
Market assessment
Competing products

Plastic arts
– Modeling Clay Industrial is a professional modeling paste for the modeling industry (automotive, design, stop-motion cinema).
– Paper papier mache and cardboard for modeling. Fallero cardboard
DIY and Crafts
– PAPMACHE prepared papier-mâché paper for modeling, ready to be used. Clean, light and dry at room temperature. It kneads and molds easily.
– Resineco modeling paste, from the manufacturer Becks Plastilin.
– Ecological surf boards made of cork and cardboard surfboards.
– Honeycomb cardboard, plates, panels and laminates. Paper and cardboard to wrap.
– Paper and cardboard for filling.
-Reusable cardboard packaging.
– The materials for bioconstruction are made with ecological materials, recycled, recyclable or materials of vegetable origin and biocompatible, harmless for people and Environment.
– (Biohaus) Insulating materials made with wood fiber, recycled newspaper and cork.
Thermal isolation.
– Bulk cellulose, corkboard, wood fiber
Acoustic isolation.
– Phonestar acoustic insulation boards are composed of cardboard and sand, being a material manufactured with natural raw materials.
– Thermal and acoustic cellulose insulation for construction, made from recycled, ecological newspaper.
– Printed immobilization splint in 3D to replace the plaster cast.
– The plastic splint printed in 3D. Beyond its use as a gypsum replacement, 3D printed splints can also be used as prostheses to immobilize certain parts of the body.
– Splint made from corn, the 3D printer prints and shapes the different pieces that make up the splint.
– Cortex mold, made from recycled materials to build its prototype with recycled waste materials composed of polyamide, a polymer found in natural materials, such as silk, wool, composite materials such as nylon and kevlar). Light and recyclable.